Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Technology Projects

I created the following presentations this summer, but did not post them on Moodle or elsewhere only yet, so I would like to share the links below:

YouTube - Defining Myself as a Technology Proficient Professional

LiveBinder - My LiveBinder used in the Technology Proficient Professional video

Prezi - My Presentation on Media and Technology Use by Teens and how it is changing them (ED606)
This presentation also included a game of Bingo where you fill-in-the-blanks to keep the audience engaged. Small prizes were awarded for 3-in-a-row and a grand prize for blackout.


This _______ Life Project

_________ is not a real animal

1st Text was sent in _______

________ words in the English Language

_____% of Teens w/ Phones (2009)
Teen Computer Ownership is Increasing/

Teens use more Emails or IMs?
This group texts the most: ___________

T/F More teens have online profiles than don’t

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